Sunday Services
Sunday morning is the heart of our community. We gather in person and online with a musical prelude at 10:45 am followed by our service at 11:00 am. Services are designed to challenge our spirits and intellects, respond to the demands of justice, celebrate those things that are of worth, and deepen our connections of caring and trust.
Families of all types are welcome! Children share the first part of the service in the Sanctuary with their caregivers until it’s time for their religious education (RE) programs.
Greeters can provide information about RE or the nursery care available for the littlest ones. Look for the Welcome Table with the green tablecloth when you arrive on Sunday. Your children may also remain with you during the service. If you wish to use it, a comfortable Window Room located at the back of the Sanctuary allows lively toddlers or infants to play more freely while their adults view and hear the service.