HUUGG Discussion – Sunday, August 20, 10 am

“HUUGG” stands for our “Humanist Unitarian Universalist Group of Gainesville.” This open group meets in the Common Room for discussions every first and third Sunday before service.

For the August 20 conversation, Kay Anderson asks, “What is your message as a humanist/atheist/agnostic or something else? How … read more.

Messy Playdates Start June 18

During these summer months, we host Messy Playdates every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month on our Playground. Bring a change of clothes and a towel for the car, and wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy! 

This is a sensory experience, and everyone will … read more.

“Religion for Breakfast” Class – June 18

June 18th is the third Sunday. On the first Sunday we watched the “Religion for Breakfast” episode about the rise of atheist churches around the world on YouTube. 

Our next episode to share (at 10:00 on June 18) will be “Qi explained.” Please join us in … read more.

Petition for Reproductive Freedom

On Sunday, May 28, consider signing a petition to protect reproductive freedoms in Florida. Look for our Social Justice table after service during coffee hour. We will offer other opportunities to sign the petition this summer.

 A coalition of organizations led by Floridians Protecting Freedom is … read more.