This Sunday, we introduce this month’s Touchstones theme of “Love.” Margie Manning visits us from the UU Church of Clearwater. Her theme: “Love is the common theological core of Unitarian Universalism. Explore what it means to hold love at the center of our faith.” Sue Boone serves as Worship Associate, and James Chase provides our story for all ages. Please remember to bring a mask.
Margie Manning originally joined Eliot Chapel, a UU congregation in St Louis, in 1987 so she and her late husband Mike could provide appropriate religious education for their children. Moving to St. Petersburg she joined the St Pete UU Church, became very active in that congregation, the Florida District (former President) and at the national level. She has been president of the St Pete Church, and later the Clearwater UU Church. Currently she is Chair of Membership and a worship associate at Clearwater UU and is a member of the Congregational Life staff at the Unitarian Universalist Association, serving as a coach for” Hope for Us,” a team that serves congregations in conflict.