Gainesville Area Aids Project Collection begins Sunday, April 2

Toilet paper and laundry detergent! The Social Justice Committee is collecting these items for the Gainesville Area AIDS Project (GAAP) starting Sunday, April 2, then on April 9 and April 16. GAAP provides many direct services to people with HIV/AIDS, one of which being free personal hygiene items. 

Please help us make this collection a resounding success by contributing a bottle of laundry detergent (no powders or pods) or a pack of toilet paper. (16-roll packs are ideal, but no roll is turned away.) 

This Sunday, look for a table with a sign at the back of the sanctuary where you can drop off your donations. Anyone with an SUV or other large car who can help me transport the goods will receive extra jewels in their heavenly crown (if you believe that sort of thing.) Contact Peter Marino for details,